Section outline
- Hadronic resonances. The 3/2+ Δ baryons.
- Associated production of K – Λ and strangeness discovery. S=-1, -2, -3 baryons
- Dalitz plot in three-body phase space. Angular momentum and parity of final states of two or three neutral or charged pions.
- Pseudo-scalar mesons. Strange mesons K. The theta-tau puzzle. η, η’.
- Vector bosons: ρ,ω, φ. ρ decay in two charged and neutral pions.
- Approximate flavor SU(3) symmetry. Group derivation of quark model. Baryonic number. Organization in octets and decuplets.
- Pointlike nature of quarks in Deep Inelastic Scattering
- Hadronic production at e+e- colliders. Ratio R of hadronic production to muon pairs. Experimental evidence of quark colour.
- Discovery of the J/psi (charm) and of its excited states. [Richter and Ting experiments and the november revolution]
- Angular distribution of jets and quark spin. Events with tre hadronic jets and evidence of gluon.
- The third family and the completion of the quark model [Lederman experiment]
- Quarkonium. Measurement of αs. OZI selection rule.
- Concept of running coupling constants for αQED and αs
- Feynman diagrams for hadronic processes.