
50th Anniversary of Hadron Colliders. Evento in streaming dal CERN, Giovedì 14/10 ore 14-18.

50th Anniversary of Hadron Colliders. Evento in streaming dal CERN, Giovedì 14/10 ore 14-18.

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Cari studenti, vi segnalo questo evento che si svolge domani, per avere un senso della storia e del futuro dei collider adronici.

Saluti, FF

Dear colleagues, 

A scientific Symposium celebrating the 50th anniversary of hadron colliders will take place in the Main Auditorium at CERN tomorrow – Thursday 14 October –  from 2.00 to 6.00 p.m. The in-person event in the Auditorium is reserved for those who have had their Indico registrations accepted, and are able to present a valid COVID certificate recognised in Switzerland. For those unable to join in person, the event will be webcast live.

The Symposium celebrates the achievements of hadron colliders from CERN’s Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR), which started up in January 1971, to the LHC, and concludes with a forward look to the high-luminosity phase of the LHC, HL-LHC, and beyond

A panel of world-class speakers, including former and current CERN Directors-General and Directors and international experts in experimental physics, will review the rich history of hadron collider research. The full programme of the Symposium is available here.

Best regards,

The Internal Communications team