Section outline

  • Course goals and organization

    The course presents advanced topics in instrumentation for ionizing radiation, with particular focus on applications in nuclear and particle physics, but with examples also from other fields.

    The students will acquire knowledge of modern sensor technologies and related electronics and of how they can be organized in a detector system. Examples of how advanced instrumentation is used in physics measurements will also be provided.

    The course is organized with classroom lessons and exercise sessions.

    The final exam consists of a short presentation (20 min) on a topic chosen among a predefined set followed by a oral examination.


    Advanced electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and special relativity. Electronics laboratory. Basics of interaction of radiation with matter. Attendance of Fundamental Interaction Lab advised.

    Organization 2024-25

    The course will be held in presence. The Microsoft Teams channel and the Elearning page can be used for communication and material. Please sign up on both platforms.

    • Mon 10.30-12.30       aula V1
    • Thu 10.30-12.30      aula V1
    • Fri 9.30-10.30           aula  V1

    Start date: Monday, February 10, 2025

    Slides and study material will be made available on google drive, accessible with UniPisa account.


    Below you find a list of emails that can be used to contact instructors:


  • In the final part of the course some instrumentation seminars are presented by experts in the field, with the purpose of placing the instrumentation technologies in the context of past, present and future experiments. The program is the following:

    22-Apr-2024MondayAula V110:3011:30Forward spectrometers (NA62, LHCB) [Pinzino]
    9-May-2024ThursdayAula V110:3011:30High energy lepton colliders (LEP, ILC, CLIC, FCCee) [Azzurri]
    9-May-2024ThursdayAula V111:3012:30High energy hadron colliders (CDF, CMS, ATLAS, FCChh) [Bedeschi]
    10-May-2024FridayAula V19:3010:30Large area cosmic ray experiments (Magic, CTA, Auger…) [Paoletti]
    13-May-2024MondayAula V110:3011:30Space instrumentation (AMS, Fermi/Glast, IXPE, ) [Sgro’]
    13-May-2024MondayAula V111:3012:30Large volume rare events detectors(SuperK, HyperK, Dune, Darkside, Icecube, KM3) [Forti]
    16-May-2024ThursdayAula V110:3011:30Instrumentation for rare decay searches (MEG II, Mu3E) [Papa]
    16-May-2024ThursdayAula V111:3012:30Instrumentation for rare decay searches (Mu2E, COMET) [Di Falco]
    17-May-2024FridayAula V19:3010:30Low energy lepton colliders (KLOE, BES III, Babar, Belle (II)) [Forti]

  • For the final exam students have to select a  journal paper on a specific topic, on which they have to prepare a short (20 min) presentation that is the starting point of the exam. The presentation will be followed by question on the course program.

    The list of proposed papers is here

    Link to exams on Teams.