Course program
Completion requirements
Preliminary Program
1. Refresher: basics of detector technologies (6) (F.Forti)- Refresher: Interactions of particles and matter
- Signal formation by moving charges and Ramo theorem
- Main sources and types of noise in detectors and amplifiers.
- Gas-filled detectors: MWPC, Drift chambers, TPC, RPC, GEMs and other MPGDs.
- Semiconductor detectors: diodes, strip detectors, pixel detectors (hybrid and monolithic)
- Track reconstruction and momentum measurement
- Photon detectors: PMT, MCP-PMT, MA-PMT, PIN-diodes, SiPM
- Scintillation detectors: organic, inorganic; plastic, liquid, crystals
- Fast semiconductor detectors
- Time measurement techniques and applications
- Cherenkov detectors: threshold, ring imaging, radiator types
- Transition radiation detectors: basic mechanism
- Techniques for particle identification: E/p, dE/dx, TOF, Cherenkov, penetration.
- Homogeneous detectors
- Sampling calorimeters: readout methods, dual readout
- Particle flow calorimeters
- Techniques for energy measurement
- Large volume detectors: Cherenkov, liquid noble gas
- Cold technologies: bolometers, superconducting tunneling junctions
- Dark matter, axions detection techniques
- Analog signal processing, readout and noise
- Digitization and digital signal processing
- Trigger and data acquisition systems
- Hadron collider. (2) (Atlas e CMS a confronto)
- Electron collider. (2) (Belle II)
- Fixed target. (2) (NA62 o LHCB)
- Large volume. Or dark matter non accelerator (2) (Darkside, )
- Space instrumentation (2) (AMS e/o Fermi/Glast o IXPE)
- Cosmic ray experiments (2) (CTA)
Last modified: Thursday, 11 February 2021, 12:22 AM