Dear All,I remind you the seminar in subject, which will be held today at 3pm in Galilei-Hall (ex Aula 131), ground floor, Building C, Area Pontecorvo/Polo Fibonacci.The topic is intended to be part of the many-body-physics course.Kind regardsMarilu ChiofaloOggetto: Seminario Gruppo Teorico - S.Liberati - 16/05/2019 - Aula 131 - ore 15:00
Giovedì 16 maggio 2019
ore 15:00
Dipartimento di Fisica
Largo B.Pontecorvo, 3
Aula Galilei (131) - piano terra - Ed. C
Stefano Liberati
SISSA (Trieste, Italy)
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
"From Analogue to Emergent gravity: lessons and pitfalls"
Abstract: The analogue gravity framework uses condensed matter systems to simulate phenomena characteristics of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes (e.g. cosmological particle production or black hole evaporation). In this seminar I will review the state of this field and explore its extension towards the simulation of the emergent gravity paradigm. In doing so I will discuss lessons and pitfalls as well as the possible phenomenology associated to these models.