
Strike and closed polo - update

Strike and closed polo - update

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Dear students,

 as you have found out the polo is closed because of the general strike of today.

While it would be possible to hold the lecture in remote mode, I consider that this would be quite unfair to those who chose to strike and decided to protest. While personally I am not on strike I feel I should respect the right to protest and accept the resulting inconvenience.

Therefore today's lecture is canceled.

This is of course unfortunate since I was planning to use the last three hours to cover some relevant topics and also have some final discussion with you. We need therefore to use also the hours next week. The lectures will be done in mixed mode so that people who already went home can follow easily. Since Prof. Signorelli and I already had different plans for next week, the lecture on Tuesday cannot be held and will also be cancelled. 

Next (and last) lecture: on Wed Dec 21st at 10.30 - 12.30 in Aula O / Mixed mode. 

Sorry about this,